The Sisterhood of St. Anna at All Saints of North America gathers in fellowship to organize and facilitate charitable giving and fundraising events at All Saints and to share in the joy of Orthodox sisterhood.

The church school begins mid-September and lasts until the end of May. For more information please contact Matushka Rachael.

The Parish Council meets once per month. Dates and times are published in the bulletins and monthly calendar found on the web site. All parishioners are welcome to attend meetings.

As is tradition in the Orthodox church, the choir at All Saints sings a cappella. We lead the congregation in singing the responses at the services using a variety of settings and melodies.

All Saints has a number of dedicated young men who regularly serve at the altar as acolytes in addition to a sub-deacon.

The Orthodox Christian Young Adult Fellowship is a group of young adults (ages 18-39) from St. George Orthodox Church and All Saints who meet once a month at either St. George or All Saints for spiritual discussion, fellowship and food. Please contact Fr Nikolay if you are interested or for more information.

We will meet weekly on Saturdays from 5:00pm to 5:45pm at the parish. We are currently reading God's Revelation to the Human Heart by Fr. Seraphim Rose. Books will be provided by the parish.

The Men’s Group meets monthly at All Saints for fellowship and spiritual discussion. All men, from 18-118 are welcome to join. Please check the monthly calendar for the next meeting or contact Fr Nikolay for questions or more information.

We maintain a small bookstore and gift area on our Literature Table, featuring books, icons, prayer ropes and some curios. We invite you to browse before or after any service. If you have any questions or for further information please contact our bookstore manager, Mary Jo Austin at: asonaocbs@gmail.com

“Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it unto the least of these My brethren, you do it unto Me.” Thus did Christ answer the question asked by his disciples: “When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick or in prison, and come to You?”

The Cancer Prayer Group is made up of several individuals committed to praying the Akathist to Our Lady Queen of All, Healer of Cancer on behalf of those on our prayer list and in the world, who are diagnosed with cancer. We have at least one member of the group praying the Akathist each day. Purchase a copy here:

American Orthodox Christians are Saving Lives in Uganda! Now there is a medical clinic built by Orthodox Christians, operated by Orthodox Christians, and serving all in need!